Erik Harper Klass is the founder of Submitit, a company that directly addresses the stress and uncertainty of the submissions treadmill. Submitting your work, again and again, can be time-consuming and exhaustive, especially if you get more than enough rejection slips to cover the walls of your bathroom.
Submitit is a company that takes on the job of reviewing the journals to which writers might submit their work and decides on the best places to make a submission. Submitit will select the journals to submit to, craft the submission, and even make some of the editorial improvements that might be required.
Submitit takes the bad dating app reality of trying to find a journal for your work and replaces it with the wise and kindly matchmaker, finding the best match for your work, and approaching the right journals.
if you are writing literary fiction or narrative non-fiction this kind of service might be helpful for you. Find out more at
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