Episode 178: Trust the process that gives you joy! With Jessie Kwak

Episode 178 July 01, 2022 00:48:37
Episode 178: Trust the process that gives you joy! With Jessie Kwak
The Creative Writer's Toolbelt
Episode 178: Trust the process that gives you joy! With Jessie Kwak

Jul 01 2022 | 00:48:37


Show Notes

My guest for this episode is the non-fiction and science fiction writer Jessie Kwak. 

In this episode, we talk about the different writing processes that people use, how to choose the right one, and why some writers have found the pandemic such a difficult time.

We discuss the importance of finding a writing process that brings us joy, how essential it is for us to know ourselves as writers, and when and how to hire the right professionals to help you with your writing.

I had a great time talking to Jessie I hope you find the conversation useful to listen to, here it is.


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