Episode 65 - The Magpie and the Compost Heap: Curiosity and Curation for your future projects

May 12, 2016 00:12:12
Episode 65 - The Magpie and the Compost Heap: Curiosity and Curation for your future projects
The Creative Writer's Toolbelt
Episode 65 - The Magpie and the Compost Heap: Curiosity and Curation for your future projects

May 12 2016 | 00:12:12


Show Notes

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In episode 64 we looked at what we can do to build and enhance setting in a current project, and in this episode we look at some of the practices and habits we can adopt to help us invest as writers in future projects. We look at how, like the magpie, we need to be on the lookout for the 'shiny things' around us, the unusual the intriguing, the noteworthy. We also look at why it's good to put our research into the writer's equivalent of a compost heap where it can settle and mature into something truly useful for our writing.

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