Episode 125 A conversation with Book Coach and Literary Agent Sandra O'Donnell (Part 2 of 2)

August 03, 2018 00:43:58
Episode 125 A conversation with Book Coach and Literary Agent Sandra O'Donnell (Part 2 of 2)
The Creative Writer's Toolbelt
Episode 125 A conversation with Book Coach and Literary Agent Sandra O'Donnell (Part 2 of 2)

Aug 03 2018 | 00:43:58


Show Notes

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This episode is the second part of a conversation I had with Dr Sandra O'Donnell, founding partner of RO Literary. Sandra is a book coach and literary agent, and author of "Your first fifteen pages" an agent's guide to writing a novel that editors will publish and readers will buy. In this episode, we look at how the 'why' of your novel has to hook the reader, how character and place work with the inciting incident and Sandra gives us her advice on mastering 3rd person Point of View in the ensemble story. We also discuss three of the most useful tools a writer can use: Airtable, Grammarly, and Story Grid.

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