Episode 142 The renaissance in poetry: new opportunities in poetic expression with Orna Ross

August 13, 2019 00:19:54
Episode 142 The renaissance in poetry: new opportunities in poetic expression with Orna Ross
The Creative Writer's Toolbelt
Episode 142 The renaissance in poetry: new opportunities in poetic expression with Orna Ross

Aug 13 2019 | 00:19:54


Show Notes

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The combination of new social media platforms and the rise of opportunities for self publishing has led to an amazing renaissance in poetry and poetic expression, both digitally and on the page. This is truly an exciting time for poets, and there are lots of new opportunities for poetic expression opening up. In this episode I talk to award winning author, poet, and founder and director of the Alliance of Independent Authors, Orna Ross about her work and the ways in which new and established poets can take advantage of the resources that are available.

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