Episode 61 - Are you sitting comfortably? Why your setting must be Credible and Immersive

April 07, 2016 00:13:08
Episode 61 - Are you sitting comfortably? Why your setting must be Credible and Immersive
The Creative Writer's Toolbelt
Episode 61 - Are you sitting comfortably? Why your setting must be Credible and Immersive

Apr 07 2016 | 00:13:08


Show Notes

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This podcast starts a new series on the subject of setting, and we begin by exploring why there are only two essential qualities needed for a setting to be effective; these are that a setting needs to be credible, and immersive. If you imagine your setting as a chair, it needs to be strong enough to support the reader, and comfortable enough to hold them for the whole story. This episode provides the practical techniques required to deliver both of these requirements.

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