Episode 151 - Do it without having to prove you're good! Encouragement for the writer's life with Cynthia Morris

November 29, 2019 01:10:04
Episode 151 - Do it without having to prove you're good! Encouragement for the writer's life with Cynthia Morris
The Creative Writer's Toolbelt
Episode 151 - Do it without having to prove you're good! Encouragement for the writer's life with Cynthia Morris

Nov 29 2019 | 01:10:04


Show Notes

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This episode can be summed up with a single, wonderful word: encouragement! My guest is the author, artist, and coach Cynthia Morris, and in this episode we discuss the fears writer's feel, the need to be kind to ourselves, and how we should sneak up on ourselves to write something great.

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