Episode 150 - 'Trust the truth; trust your writing.' A conversation with the Pope's Astronomer Brother Guy Consolmagno

November 16, 2019 00:38:42
Episode 150 - 'Trust the truth; trust your writing.' A conversation with the Pope's Astronomer Brother Guy Consolmagno
The Creative Writer's Toolbelt
Episode 150 - 'Trust the truth; trust your writing.' A conversation with the Pope's Astronomer Brother Guy Consolmagno

Nov 16 2019 | 00:38:42


Show Notes

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Do you trust your work? Do you trust yourself enough to let your work go wherever it wants to go, to be authentic? That’s one of the questions, and challenges I explore with my guest in this episode of the podcast. His name is Brother Guy Consolmagno, and he is a Jesuit Brother and also an MIT trained research astronomer and he is currently the Director of the Vatican Observatory, making him in colloquial terms, the Pope’s Astronomer.

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