Latest Episodes

Episode 14 - Deeds not words
It's what your character does, rather than what you say about them, that defines them for the reader. In this episode Andrew talks about...

Episode 13 - Character Motivation
Continuing our series on characterisation, in this episode we look at character motivation and why the motivation for the characters in our writing must...

Episode 12 - What three qualities do you need to be a good writer?
What are the personal qualities you need, not only keep you writing but to help you improve in your craft? Andrew shares his views...

Episode 11 - Creating the individual character
In the last episode we looked at character integrity and how this is founded on 1.Believability/plausibility and 2. The character as an individual. In...

Episode 10 - Getting to know you! Believability and consistency as the keys to developing character integrity
This episode introduces the core requirements for good character development: character integrity and individuality. We will look at individuality next time, but in this...

Episode 9 - Get Active! Using the right verbs and the right voice to energise your story
In this episode I cover two issues, using precise and powerful verbs, and also using the active rather than passive voice to energise and...