Latest Episodes

Episode 26 - How to deal with a mid-story crisis
You know that feeling, you are about 20k to 30k words in to the story, and you suddenly begin to wonder where it's all...

Episode 25 - Interview with Marie Bilodeau
This is a guest episide with Ottawa-based storyteller and science-fiction/fantasy writer, Marie Bilodeau. Marie's writings have been nominated four times for Canada's biggest SF...

Episode 24 - Planners and Pantsers
One of the more contentious debates in creative writing is the question of whether authors should plan and outline, or simply go with the...

Episode 23 - Story structure - first things first
Continuing our review of the essentials of plot, in this episode we look at the things you need to deal with early in the...

Episode 22 - Interview with Claire Keane
This episode is an interview with artist and children’s writer and illustrator, Claire Keane. Until 2013 Claire was based at Disney studios where she...

Episode 21 The Fundamentals of Plot
We've started on the process of building a story from the ground up, and we're going to kick off with plot. In this episode...