Latest Episodes

Episode 44 - Finish with Style! The Resolution stage of your story
Finishing your story takes as much skill and wisdom as telling it, and there's more to a good finish that clearing up the battle...

Episode 43 - Judgement Day! How to get the best out of the climax stage of your story
In this episode we look at stage five of the six stage story process - the climax stage. We are going to answer the...

Episode 42 - Exploiting the Crisis stage of your story
In this episode we look at stage four of the six stage story process, the Crisis. There is no better time in your story...

Episode 41 - Conversation with historian writer and speaker Nick Page
This episode is an interview with the author and historian, Nick Page. Nick, who describes himself as a 'writer for hire', has been a...

Episode 40 - Show them the magic. Making your story excellent through the Momentum stage
This is the second of two podcasts focusing on stage three of the six stage story process. What can you achieve during the broad...

Episode 39 - Harnessing the power of human psychology for your story
In this episode we start to explore the third of the six stages of story, and answer the question: how can we make this...