Episode 42 - Exploiting the Crisis stage of your story

August 06, 2015 00:18:35
Episode 42 - Exploiting the Crisis stage of your story
The Creative Writer's Toolbelt
Episode 42 - Exploiting the Crisis stage of your story

Aug 06 2015 | 00:18:35


Show Notes

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In this episode we look at stage four of the six stage story process, the Crisis. There is no better time in your story to showcase the strengths, weaknesses, and motivations of your characters. This is also a moment to use all of your creative writing skills to create a poignant moment, to enrich the setting and mood of your work, to add colour and depth to the context for your story. The crisis is the decisive moment, the calm before the storm, the point where all of the choices have been made and the climax must now be faced. How will your characters react? Will they be heroes or cowards, or maybe a more subtle combination of both? Here is your window of opportunity to show all of these things, use it well!

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