Latest Episodes

Episode 62 - In at the deep end. How to immerse readers in your story
In the previous episode we explored the two essential qualities of setting through describing the need for setting to be credible and immersive. In...

Episode 61 - Are you sitting comfortably? Why your setting must be Credible and Immersive
This podcast starts a new series on the subject of setting, and we begin by exploring why there are only two essential qualities needed...

Episode 60 'Writing the Other' with Nisi Shawl and Daniel José Older
How should we present characters from a range of different backgrounds in our work? How can we portray these characters with integrity and respect,...

Episode 59 - Character and characterisation: series wrapup
This episode is a summary of the issues we have covered in the last dozen or so installments of The Creative Writer's Toolbelt, from...

Episode 58 - Deep and narrow or broad and shallow? The essentials of Point of View
Point of view (PoV) is critical to your story. The authorial decision you make about PoV will set the tone and voice of your...

Episode 57 - Outstanding performance in a supporting role - making your supporting characters excellent
It's no surprise that many of the principles that we use to develop our lead characters also apply to our supporting cast. The critical...