Latest Episodes

Episode 128 - Plotting your journey to traditional publishing success with Derek Künsken
This episode is a conversation with the author and international speaker Derek Künsken. Derek is a Canadian writer who learned the trade with short...

Episode 127 - A conversation with Ellen Brock: professional novel editor and writing coach Part 2 of 2:
This episode is the second half of my conversation with Ellen. We talk about a range of issues including making the right choice for...

Episode 126 A conversation with Ellen Brock: professional novel editor and writing coach (Part 1 of 2)
This episode is a conversation with the novel editor and writing coach, Ellen Brock. You may know Ellen from her annual Novel Boot Camp...

Episode 125 A conversation with Book Coach and Literary Agent Sandra O'Donnell (Part 2 of 2)
This episode is the second part of a conversation I had with Dr Sandra O'Donnell, founding partner of RO Literary. Sandra is a book...

Episode 124 A conversation with Book Coach and Literary Agent Sandra O'Donnell (Part 1 of 2)
This episode is a conversation with Dr Sandra O'Donnell, founding partner of RO Literary. Sandra is a book coach and literary agent, and author...

Episode 123 Face the fear and finish the job. A conversation with creative professional Sarah Rhea Werner
This episode is a conversation with Sarah Rhea Werner, a creative professional who combines a portfolio of work including writing, web design, mentoring, podcasting...