Episode 174: Writing your novel is part of your heart - with Lynn Hightower

Episode 174 April 03, 2022 00:55:28
Episode 174: Writing your novel is part of your heart - with Lynn Hightower
The Creative Writer's Toolbelt
Episode 174: Writing your novel is part of your heart - with Lynn Hightower

Apr 03 2022 | 00:55:28


Show Notes

Welcome to Ep 174, my guest for this episode is the writer and writing coach Lynn Hightower. Lynn writers thriller with a darkly paranormal twist.


In this conversation, we discuss why we do need to tell as well as show, especially in terms of plot, why we need to hear the character’s voice in our head rather than try to pick and mix their traits and characteristics. We also talk about why clarity in your prose is so important, what do you do to keep the reader hooked, and why every writer needs to try to limit the number of desks they own!

I had a wide-ranging conversation with Lynn,  full of humour, insight, and craft advice – I hope you enjoy listening to it.

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