Episode 117 "Who are you and why are you good to tell it?" A Conversation with Brendan O'Meara of the Creative Non-fiction Podcast

April 13, 2018 00:58:27
Episode 117 "Who are you and why are you good to tell it?" A Conversation with Brendan O'Meara of the Creative Non-fiction Podcast
The Creative Writer's Toolbelt
Episode 117 "Who are you and why are you good to tell it?" A Conversation with Brendan O'Meara of the Creative Non-fiction Podcast

Apr 13 2018 | 00:58:27


Show Notes

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I recently spoke with fellow podcaster, essayist and award-winning journalist Brendan O'Meara. We talked about the challenges that writers of both fiction and non-fiction face, the issue of finding time to write, the value of having momentum, and the goal of building up a body of work to close the creative gap

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