Latest Episodes

Episode 140 How to work with your development editor. With Amanda Rutter and examples from The Centauri Survivors
Writers are becoming more convinced of the need to use professionals to help them with their work, and one of the essential members of...

Episode 139 When characters go rogue.
This episode is a response to an issue I’ve been discussing with a listener. We talked about characters who seem to take over the...

Episode 138 "The smell of saffron; the shadow of war". Writing and publishing out of a non-Western background with Dr Pamela Fernandes
Pamela Fernandes is a writer and doctor. She escaped the first Gulf War with her family, fleeing to India. Since then she has lived...

Episode 137 Tools and markets for the Indie Author. With Ricardo Fayet of
As I prepare for the launch this summer of "The Centauri Survivors" my YA SciFi novel, I have been using the services of,...

Episode 136 Your guide for the journey. The work of the sensitivity reader with Patrice Williams Marks
We all want to introduce diverse characters into our work and not be afraid to tackle difficult social and cultural themes, but can we...

Episode 135 'You are valuable just as you are. And so is your writing.' A conversation with Jen Louden.
In this episode, I have a great conversation with the writer and international speaker Jen Louden. I talk about my own personal philosophy for...