Latest Episodes

Episode 8 - 'Just in time' storytelling
Grabbing the reader's attention immediately is a vital part of storytelling. Often writers will start a story too early, or fill the first critical...

Episode 7 - What the rejection letter doesn't tell you
In this podcast I explore some of the mistakes that editors look out for. Here are ten things to think about before you submit...

Episode 6 - The serious business of writing something funny
This is the last of the five techniques for showing not telling - and arguably it's the hardest one to do. Humour is a...

Episode 5 - The power of suggestion
In this episode we look at another dimension of showing not telling, and that's the potential for hinting, suggesting or implying something rather than...

Episode 4 - The zest of the orange the icy tingle of the stream in winter
In this episode I will explain how you can use sensory language to show rather than tell your story

Episode 3 - Sparse and Specific Description
How to use a small number of very specific descriptive cues to show your reader both scene and character