Latest Episodes

Episode 169: Creating stories that work: content and structure
Welcome to episode 169 of the Creative Writer’s Toolbelt. In the next few episodes, I am going to be exploring the fundamentals of story...

Episode 168. Passion Focus and Discipline with Dave Chesson
Welcome to Ep 168 of the Creative Writer’s Toolbelt podcast. My guest for this episode is Dave Chesson. Dave is an author, entrepreneur and...

Episode 167. Building your authority as a writer, with Bryan Collins
Welcome to episode 167 of the Creative Writer’s Toolbelt podcast. My guest for this episode is the writer, journalist and blogger Bryan Collins. Bryan...

Episode 166 From Aristotle to Hollywood with Susan Isaacs
Welcome to episode 166 of the creative writer’s toolbelt podcast. My guest for this episode is the actor and writer and Lutheran Susan Isaacs. ...

Episode 165. Flightpath to publication with James Blatch
Welcome to episode 165 of the Creative Writer’s Toolbelt My guest for this episode is the author, James Blatch. Some of you will know...

Episode 164. A citizen of two worlds. Juggling writing and life with Sam Mills and Michael J. Harvey
The American writers Joyce Carol Oates famously said: “The biggest obstacle for writers is distraction from other people." And it’s substantially true. But those...