Latest Episodes

Episode 20 - Building a story from the ground up
It's time to start planning that story, but with so many aspects to creative writing and the creative process being such a subjective and...

Episode 19 - Writing for others-writing for yourself
Back to first principles. We're asking a couple of fundamental questions in this episode as the foundation for going on to look at a...

Episode 18 - The HARVARD Model for developing characters
The HARVARD model is a systematic process for developing the personae of your characters. It's different from other character generators in two ways: first,...

Episode 17 -Interview with Derek Kunsken
In one of our occasional interviews on the Writer's Toolbelt, I talk to award winning SciFi and fantasy author Derek Kunsken about showing and...

Episode 16 - Three tests that will tell you how successful your characters really are
So how good are your characters? Can you tell? Here are three tests that you can use to work out how effective your characters...

Episode 15 - Characters with Edge
Great books can have ordinary characters plunged into extraordinary situations - but they can also have extraordinary characters who create their own extraordinary situations!...