Latest Episodes

Episode 116 - Climbing the North Face. Why completing the first draft of your writing project is so hard and how to achieve it
Writing the first draft of a novel, like scaling the north face of the Eiger, presents particular difficulties. In this episode, we look at...

Episode 115 Keeping the god in the machine. Why 'Deus Ex Machina' endings suck and how to avoid them
Deus Ex Machina or 'god out of the machine' endings have a rich heritage going back to the Ancient Greek Theatre. But they are...

Episode 114 "You've got to know what you want to say!" A conversation with Story Grid Certified Developmental Editor Lori Puma
This episode is a conversation with story grid developmental editor Lori Puma. In our conversation we talk about why stories matter, and what we...

Episode 113 - You have the most important job in the world and here's why
Writer's have the most important job in the world. Does that sound like hubris? Well I would suggest that it isn't. Stories are of...

Episode 112 Of Monkeys and Manuscripts: a conversation with writer and BSFA Award winner Gareth L. Powell
This episode is a conversation with award winning science fiction and alternative reality author Gareth L Powell. We talk about how maturing as a...

Episode 111 - Do you know what your book is really about? Cutting through the noise with book coach Jennie Nash
This episode is a conversation with book coach Jennie Nash. We learn about the difference between wishing you had written a book and actually...